26 veljače, 2013

times like these are saving you..

You don't need a savior, you don't need a saint. No one can help you with this one. When the words are out of reach on the top shelf, the world stops spinning. Oceans of happiness are far away from this point, and sun and the stars are exploding. Pretty soon, there'll be nowhere to run away.You filled your lungs up with air, counting your breaths, 'cause soon there'll be no more left. Nothing left, nothing to gain, to lose. And some of the stars are fading away, just a moment before you catch them. Could you understand your own words when the whole world is shut.? Could you recognize yourself when the lights go down? Could you still feel your own breaths even though you have no left? Standing in one place, and still moving forward.. Could you?
Would you make the world go on, or would you make it stop? Would it even matter?
It's alright to feel alone but you can't, all those shadows killed your light, killed your way out of this place.
At the end of the day, when the sun comes down, you can hear a whisper calling your name, name that sounds like mistake. You've learned how to live with it but you can't get used to the fact you've been a lie, all this time. You're words are empty now and the blood that's going  through your veins is poisoned with lies. You want to hide the truth but there's no any. 'Cause when the lights faded out you made a bigger mess out of it.
No, don't count your sins. Don't try to fix anything, anything became nothing. Your sins, your mistakes.. It'll be like trying to fix yourself, now, you're made of them. When you're sinking like a stone in a deep blue, and no one knows it, you can take a breath, same one you lost. From time to time, like this, you can catch a breath instead of that star that faded away and then landed on your hands. Times like these are saving you. From what's called; easy way out.
And now you're counting all the reasons why you should stay, or you should leave? Remember, the lights already went down, and you don't know where, or who you are.. Stay, or take everything with you.

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