09 kolovoza, 2012

fuck society's idea of beauty.

As the days were passing by, i felt nothing and everything at the same time. At one second i felt like im in the  clouds and at the other one i was deep down in hell. It's not like anything special was happing in my life, those emotions were caused by too much thinking, SCUMBAG BRAIN!
And now i became someone i once swore i'll never be.
When i turn my head around  im surrounded by people i once knew, now they're just strangers passing by. Just becuase everything have changed, we changed ourselves.
And everytime i look myself at the mirror i see the old me. Im not trying to justify for who i have become, im just saying sometimes it's not our fault for the things that are happening. It's society's fault.
And every step we take, everything we do, every wrong move we make, they're going to blame us. We should just keep our heads up, and keep living.
You'll be called a liar 'cuz you won't tell everything, you'll be called stupid 'cuz you're wrong sometimes, you'll be called fake 'cuz you're nice, fat 'cuz you eat when you're hungry, and you'll be called weird and you won't be accepted 'cuz you don't look good. You're too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short and you  always will  be too this, too that.. but keep this on your mind..

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