08 studenoga, 2012

if i had a world of my own, nothing would be what it is, 'cuz everything would be what it isn't...

Im from where the magic is. I give you all i cannot take with me. Begging you to stay with me, somehow. Knowing you will take the short way. Wrong way. Way out. I want to take you where the magic is. Lights. Im resisting, let the lightning take you. It's okay to feel what you're feeling, it's fine. You're in the dark. It's not about how you feel, it's about that moment when you stop. No more questions, what if this, what if that, what if.. No more feelings, and late nights drowning in your tears. Everything is fading away. Some things might stay, better not.. Believing every word can't let some things fade. Accepting those things, those words, words that have been said a long time ago will stop the pain. You were bleeding inside. No more. Now, it's just about emptiness you can't explain. The moment you realize you choose the wrong way, and you still don't know what's right and  wrong. But you will. I will be there, to tell you. To let you know.. To show you. I will be there to whisper it to you. When you hear the definition of right and wrong you'll see what pain is. You'll suffer. Not from pain, but from something called PAST. It would be easier if past would mean something bad is over. But your past will be something good you never took. Chance you missed. When the past is all over you, you won't be able to bring yourself to scream, and to let go. So when you hear the whisper from my broken heart just stop for a minute and think. Would you change anything? Turn around and you'll feel it. Cold wind flowing through you. Does it actually matter what i think? Is there anything left for me here? If i had a world on my own everything would be nonsense, nothing would be what it is, 'cuz everything would be what it isn't. Make things fade away! Push yourself to do it. Maybe you'll succeed, or in the worst case you will see, feel what i've felt. It's hard to fight, but try. From time to time you will remember, remember me. Maybe im wrong, maybe you won't regret anything. But hey, we both choose the wrong way, look where that brought us, and just take a look of who we are now. I thought emptiness will stop all those questions, but still, after everything, here and there, i ask myself some. I wonder if you ever just stop, and think: Man, i miss her. Do you ever remember all those late nights we spent talking?.. After everything i spent them all by myself drowning in tears and then when that was over too, i sit alone and just stare at that one point that seems to be everything i have.

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