17 svibnja, 2012

is this level 2?

Do we forget we're alive so fast..? Everyday doing same stuff makes us forget who we are, who is who, we forget we're alive.. We forget about important things, and carry about the little unimportant. Is our problem we can't realise and seperate them. Important ones and unimporten? Why do we keep worring about people who don't even deserve to be in our lifes. The ones who come in our lifes when they want and leave whenever they get bored or something? The ones who're just hurting us. Making our lifes miserable day by day but we love them too much to realise that, we care about them so much we can't even imagine living without them.. And one day when they just magicaly decided to leave without an explanation, without a goodbye, we'll be so hurt and then, just then, we'll realise how all they did was bringing us pain. But still, we can't forget all those moments we spent with them, all those happy memories we had together, all those ''happy'' tears we had becuase we just lived the biggest moments of our lifes with them.. And please, don't be suprised when after some time, it may take days, months, years..but when they just knock at your life doors again, and please, forgive them.. Becuase that's life.. You'll realise after some time if they truly are sorry and if they have changed or they're going to hurt you again, but you'll be ready for it. You'll be ready to take the step and tell them to get the f***  out of your life! :) 

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